When we awaken to veganism, especially for ethical concern for other beings, we usually want to do something to share the message with others. There are many great resources out there that will further not only our knowledge of animal agriculture and veganism, but also how to promote veganism.

As stated in the Vegan Advocacy Support page, there may be vegan organizations, groups, and restaurants in or around your area, and many online resources that can help support one to becoming and staying vegan and to connect with other like-minded people.

How to Create the Perfect Vegan Life is an excellent short resource on understanding why it is vital that we all become vegan advocates and how to avoid burnout while creating a perfect vegan life. Other resources on vegan advocacy are books by Casey Taft, PhD, Motivational Methods for Vegan Advocacy and Millennial Vegan.

There are countless ways one can promote veganism. It can be mind boggling on how many choices and approaches there are. One can host a film screening or talk with Q&A afterward, a peaceful, non-violent demonstration, or they can start their own vegan group or organize an event, amongst many others. The possibilities are endless. You could also create a YouTube channel, write books or blog on veganism, combine vegan advocacy through drawing, painting or photography, or even start a restaurant or store. Again, the possibilities are endless. Anything is achievable, and only through our intuition, will we know our unique way of spreading the word.

One aspect of veganism many people talk about is how does one go about earning money just from promoting veganism alone. So you talk to a friend or family member about veganism and why you went vegan, but you don’t make a living from that? And sometimes that can be frustrating. As animal advocates, most have no clue as to how to earn money promoting veganism. Though our focus should not be solely on income, people need to make a living in order to survive. To learn how, we highly suggest reading the book, How to Create the Perfect Vegan Life.

For further information or support visit our extensive forum, for knowledge, learning, and expert advice and tips.