The World is Beautiful, and We Are Too

The world is beautiful, and we are too. Even though wars and destruction are raging all around us, we live in an abundant and beautiful Earth.

Every day we have the choice to either be happy and positive or angry, pessimistic, and fearful. Pessimism only leads to more anger, fear, and negativity. If one has a negative outlook on life, they will experience bad situations in return. These people expect others to feel sorry for them. They blame it on their mental issues or on others which they feel they can’t control. They get upset and angry at the world and the people around them and feel that everything is not going well for themselves. They have low-self esteem and anxiety. These are major issues that humans are faced with.

It seems that many people, including a large percentage of teenagers and young adults, commit suicide. They watch TV ads, or flip through fashion magazines and feel that they need to conform to a particular look, shape, and size to be able to fit into society. If they don’t wear designer clothes or have big houses and cars, don’t have the latest cell phone or are not thin like the runway models, they feel scared that they won’t fit into society. And there are others who couldn’t care less and never conform. Instead of looking to others, fashion magazines or advertising, we should strive to be the best versions of ourselves. We are unique, beautiful beings each with own story to share. We are beautiful because we are. We are a unique and special being, with distinctive features like no other. Our physical appearance and voices are exquisitely crafted.

It is also said that people who consume a whole foods plant diet, their skin starts to smoothen and become clear of blemishes, scars, and acne, they look years younger, and lose a significant amount of weight. Whole-foods, low-fat vegans on average, reduce their chances of developing various diseases including certain cancers like breast, colon, and colorectal, diabetes, and heart disease, and are overall slimmer than the average population. When we look in the mirror and think, “I am ugly. I hate the way I look.” This is the negative perception we have of ourselves. And the only way to change that perception is to think differently about ourselves.

Everyone is beautiful in their own way. The creator made us all unique beings born from our mother’s womb. The more we reinforce positivity, not just towards our physical appearance and lives, but also in the world around us, the more we start to believe these things to be true. And then eventually, they become so. Be confident in yourself. Disregard what others may think or say about you. If they mock or criticize you, it is because they are insecure about their own appearance or life.

Just be you, and forget about conforming to society. You are a unique and beautiful being. You don’t need approval from society. The approval comes from within you when you tell yourself “I am beautiful. I love myself.”

For me, positivity has changed the outlook on my life for the better. I too thought I heard people in the back of my mind talking about how strange and funny I looked, dressed, and acted. Eventually, this drove me crazy, until one day I decided to take control of my own life. I proudly lifted my head and disregarded all those voices I thought I heard. I switched to positive thinking and started to care less about what others thought or said about me. In no time I became more confident in myself and my appearance, and those voices eventually went away. This also reinforced the positive outlook I had on the world.

We continuously have to peel back the layers of armour of our culture and become non-conformists and stray away from the mass-programming and continue loving ourselves, the world, and other beings. The world is beautiful, and so are we. Remember to continue reaffirming the self-love, because it is true, we are all beautiful and unique Earthlings under the sun.

If you would like to learn more get my book Our Path to Freedom: How We Can Live a Freer and More Peaceful Life.

Michael Lanfield is the author of four books including two #1 Amazon best selling books The Interconnectedness of Life and The Journey. He is also a vegan advocate, YouTuber, and certified World Peace Diet Facilitator, and has been featured on dozens of FM/AM radio stations, podcasts, various websites, magazines, and media outlets, spreading veganism to millions of people around the world.